It turns out that the steps for completing the 2020 census online for a secondary residence are a bit tricky. So, to help you out, we're providing more detailed guidance below.
If you still run into problems, you can call 1-844-330-2020 and complete it over the phone. To complete it online, here's the link:
Please do take a moment to complete the census for your Sconset residence. The Town of Nantucket uses the data when it applies for Federal funds as well as for determining services such as transportation and emergency services.
STEP 1: On the screen where it asks where you were living on April 1, 2020, ENTER YOUR SCONSET STREET ADDRESS EVEN IF YOU WEREN'T LIVING THERE ON APRIL 1, 2020. (If it says it doesn't recognize the address you entered, click "Submit" again if the address you entered was correct.)

Then, when it asks how many people were living or staying at your Sconset house on April 1, 2020, enter ZERO.
You will get another prompt asking you to enter another number. But don't; just click on "Next."

The next screen will ask if you were living or staying at your Sconset residence on April 1, 2020. Click on "No."

On the next screen, it will ask why no one was living or staying at that address on April 1, 2020. That's where you can select "For seasonal, recreational, or occasional use" (or whatever reason you weren't living or staying at your Sconset residence on April 1, 2020)

On the next screen, you can then choose to start the process of entering census information about your primary residence (if you haven't already complete the census for that residence), by clicking on 'Yes" to the question of whether you have another Census ID for the place you were living or staying on April 1, 2020. (If you don't have a Census ID for that residence, you can still complete the questions about it).
